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Mental Health Hub

Just as we all have physical health, we all have mental health.

A useful way of thinking about your mental health is to see it as a scale or a spectrum. It ranges from good mental health and wellbeing on one end to poor mental health on the other. We are all somewhere along this spectrum of good mental health to poor mental health.

When we are in crisis, it can be hard to see beyond it and come up with a safe response. Some people may turn to self-harm as a way of coping with overwhelming feelings. Others may think about ending their lives.

If you are in a situation that makes you think about either of these, it is important that you talk to someone immediately. 


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Self-harm is when somebody intentionally damages or injures their body. It’s a way of coping with or expressing overwhelming emotional distress.

It is possible to replace self-harming with positive coping strategies. Getting support from a professional is the best thing you can do to work through the reasons you are self-harming. They will help you come up with more positive ways to deal with your experiences and keep you safe. If you are unable to get immediate support, try
some of these techniques to stop the urge to self–harm becoming an action.


Let someone know how you feel, this could be a friend, parent, guardian, teacher or helpline.


Go for a walk or run to take your mind off any negative feelings and the urge to self-harm.


Become aware of your breathing. 
Slow and deeper breaths can have a
calming effect.

You can find out more about the signs of self-harm and ways to support yourself here.


For some people thoughts of suicide and ending your life may last a long time. For others it may be a brief thought. Either way, you may be feeling afraid, alone and not sure what to do next.

If you, or someone you know, is at risk of suicide, act immediately and get help. With support, you can start to feel hopeful and more positive about the future.

If you don’t think you can keep yourself safe, go to A&E, call 999 or 112 and ask to speak to the ambulance service.

Talk to your GP. They can offer you advice on accessing the best support services for you.

Call, text or chat with a professional from the list of free, 24-hour helplines above. We are here for you if you are struggling with your mental health. You are not alone.


Below are links to some worksheets and explainers to support you with some of the feelings you may be experiencing

Supports for LGBTQ+ Youth

You are not alone. Our Youth Workers are here to chat you in confidence and free of charge no matter how big or small your problem is.

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Crisis Counselling

Working with Pieta, we offer free crisis counselling service for LGBTQ+ young people.

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