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Stand Up Awareness Week

Stand Up Awareness Week will take place from November 4-8, 2024. Belong To’s Stand Up Awareness Week is a time for post-primary schools, youth services and Youthreach centres in Ireland to join us and take a stand against homophobic, biphobic and transphobic bullying.

This week is an opportunity to take steps to make spaces safe and supportive for LGBTQ+ young people. We will equip you with the resources, tools and knowledge needed to host Stand Up Awareness Week in your school, youth service or Youthreach at any time that works for you.

It is heartbreaking that one in five young LGBTQ+ people face bullying and that 76% of LGBTQ+ students feel unsafe at school. Together we can create spaces where LGBTQ+ young people feel safe, equal and valued.

“Who wouldn’t want to be a teacher during Stand Up Awareness Week? A time of fun, friendship, learning and solidarity. A time when the the community that schools can provide gets to shine and we get to show love, compassion and inclusion for every single member of our school.”

Lauren Comer, Mercy College Coolock, Dublin

Stand Up Awareness Week Training

Join us for online training to help you prepare for Belong To’s Stand Up Awareness Week taking place from 4-8 November  2024. During our interactive training, you will learn about hosting Stand Up Awareness Week, meet staff from other schools and services, and learn about new activities.

Registration for Stand Up Awareness Week training sessions 2024 is now open, taking place on September 18th, 24th, 25th and October 1st, 3rd, 24th.

Stand Up Awareness Week Resources

Belong To will send schools, Youthreach centres and youth services a resource pack including an information guide and posters in mid-September 2024.

You can view last years resources for Stand Up Awareness Week 2023 here:

Additional resources for 2024 will be available to download from the link below from September:

Get In Touch

Stand Up Awareness Week Endorsers

Thank you to our Stand Up Awareness Week funders:

Stand Up Awareness Week is endorsed by:

LGBTQ+ Quality Mark

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Training for Educators

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