Our face to face services are now closed until the end of March 2020 as a precautionary measure to protect our service users, staff, volunteers, and the general public from the risk of COVID-19 virus.
We will still be providing our Monday Chats Service for information, referral, and advice. However we won’t be providing this in person, you can avail of it digitally, by email, sms, phone call, or video conference. To arrange a Monday Chat please use the ‘contact us page‘.
Our crisis counselling service run in partnership with Pieta House will continue to operate. However it will also move to a digitally based service. Your counselor will be in touch with you directly to provide more information to you.
If you need support during this period, please reach out to the following services which we have confirmed are open and offering support (some may have delays).
- Call the LGBT Helpline on 1890 929 539 – Monday to Thursday, 6:30 – 10pm, Fridays 4 – 10pm, and Saturday and Sunday, 4 to 6pm.
- Visit lgbt.ie to access their instant messaging support service from 6:30 – 10pm, 7 days a week.
- Outhouse will be taking calls on 01 8734999 from 12:00 to 3:00pm Monday to Friday to provide signposting and information.
- Text LGBTI+ to 086 1800 280 and chat in confidence, 24/7 with a trained crisis volunteer over text. Standard SMS rates may apply.
- You can call the Gender Identity Family Support Line on 01 907 3707 on Tuesday from 10am – 12pm and Sunday 6pm – 9pm.
- The Samaritans provide confidential, non-judgmental support 24 hours a day at 116 123.
- Aware are operating a free support line, email support and an online Life Skills programme. They’re reachable on 1 800 804 848 or supportmail@aware.ie
- Bodywhys are offering telephone, email and online support – email alex@bodywhys.ie or phone 01-210 7906.
- Exchange House Ireland National Traveller Mental Health Service offers support by phone, 7 days a week at 01 872 1094.
- Pieta are providing 24/7 freephone supports and text support services at 1800 247 247 or you can text HELP to 51444.
- GROW Mental Health Recovery is running a six-week online programme addressing the various challenges involved with COVID-19 and also has an online peer support group.
- Mental Health Ireland have a number of resources on looking after your mental health during this pandemic.
- St Patrick’s Mental Health Services are operating a Support and Information Line from Monday to Friday, 9am to 5pm at 01 249 3333.
- SpunOut.ie have their own COVID-19 guide with education-specific information.
- The HSE has launched a stress control programme online with live-streamed classes, free of charge.
- Jigsaw is offering support online, over the phone and via email to anyone between 12 – 25 on 1 800 544 729 or help@jigsaw.ie
- If you have urgent symptoms of an STI, the Mater Misericordiae University Hospital in Dublin has a phone line on either 01 803 2063 or 086 406 9811. Leave a message, and a Sexual Health Nurse will return your call.
- University Hospital Waterford is offering limited STI testing services with a phone triage service as well as PEP through clinic or the Emergency Department out of hours.
- The Midlands Regional Hospital in Portlaoise is continuing to run limited STI testing and services with telephone support available 10am to 2pm Monday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday on 086 859 1273.
- University Hospital Limerick will be providing two urgent STI clinics per week, including for extended PrEP prescriptions.
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