We love to hear from our supporters, community, and other organisations. Fill out the form below or give us a call.
Phone: 01 670 6223 (Monday-Friday from 9am-1pm & 2pm-5pm)
Please note, this phone number is not a helpline. If you need to urgently speak with someone, you can find a list of helpful services here.
Details of all our nationwide groups for LGBTQ+ young people can be found here. This section includes the meeting times, locations and contact details for each group.
Do you have a comment or complaint about Belong To LGBTQ+ Youth Ireland’s youth services? We are always here to listen: Talk to us any time
Tell Us More!
I’m a young person looking for advice or support.
I need support or information relating to a family member.
I am looking for advice or support in relation to LGBTQ+ youth in a school setting.
I have a media query.
I want to learn more about volunteering with Belong To.
We’re currently recruiting Events Volunteers, find out more here
I’ve a query about supporting LGBTQ+ youth in a professional setting.