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Here for LGBTQ+ Youth

Support for Families

Whether someone in your family has come out as LGBTQ+, or you think your child may be LGBTQ+, we are here for you.

Training and Education

At Belong To we support professionals working with LGBTQ+ youth. Through training, we can equip you with the skills to understand what life is like for LGBTQ+ youth today and how you can meet their needs.

Support Our Work

By raising funds for Belong To, you can make a real difference in the lives of LGBTQ+ young people across Ireland. All of our work, from LGBTQ+ support services to empowering schools to be LGBTQ+ inclusive, would not be possible without our generous supporters. There are lots of ways that you can raise funds.

Campaigning for Change

We raise awareness about the key issues facing LGBTQ+ youth through our communications and campaigns.