This safe, positive, and fun space is for young trans people and those exploring their gender identity. We meet every Wednesday from 5:30pm-7:30pm.
We get up to all sorts of activities at the group. To give you a taste of what we’ve been up to here are some of the activities and talks we have carried out so far: self-portrait photo project, clothes swaps, amusement arcade trip, discussion on the Gender Recognition Act, an ice-cream think tank, and group lead explorations around all things to do with transitioning and being a trans young person.
Here you will find a safe, positive, and fun space where trans youth can relax, be themselves, and make friends.
Please note that all new members must attend our New Young Persons Project before joining any of our other groups. To sign up, please click here.
What’s the Group Like?
“I had met a number of Trans people in Ireland, and they had all been very welcoming and inclusive. However, the majority of them were quite a good bit older than me, and I really welcomed the opportunity to meet people who were closer to my own age and therefore see transitioning in a similar way to me.
The fact that I was given a voice as a young trans person, and not just a trans person, helped me to feel more included in the scene and also more able to help others. Previously, I had felt quite alone and worried that I was too young to express my opinion with any gravity, but being in IndividualiTy helped me to realise that my voice may be different to others, but it is still an important one that needs to be heard.” Adam
- Find us: 13 Parliament Street, Dublin 2, Ireland
- Phone us:01 670 6223
- Email us:
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